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When Lipstadt said the F-word


Reply-To: H-NET H-Antisemitism <H-Antisemitism@H-NET.MSU.EDU>
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Author: Robert Michael

June 7, 2000

My brother recently sent me a long interview of Deborah Lipstadt, most of it centering around the Irving case. I had met her briefly years ago at a conference in Boston and, as a new teacher of Holocaust, I asked her during our conversation, "What do I do if a student makes antisemitic remarks in class?" She replied tersely, "F--- 'em." It was like Alexander cutting the Gordian Knot with his sword. Congrats, Deborah, you did good!

One statement in her interview caught my attention. She said of Irving: "But he's not a normal person -- he's an antisemite."

It always seemed to me that a normal person certainly could be an antisemite. Thoughts?

Robert Michael


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