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Nazis, anti-Zionists and others

 Reply-To: H-NET List for History of the Holocaust <[email protected]>
Sender: H-NET List for History of the Holocaust <
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Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 04:05:55 -0400

From: Robert Michael
[email protected]

IT was recently stated on list: "The majority of Nazis, odious as they were and are, would not have condoned mass murder if they had their choice."

The evidence is quite to the contrary. Not only did the Nazis condone mass murder, almost all of them!, but so did most Germans. In my study of Pastor Niemoeller ["Theological Myth, German Antisemitism, and the Holocaust: The Case of Martin Niemoeller," Holocaust and Genocide Studies: An International Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1 (1987), pp. 105-22.], I had to deal with German Protestants, the majority. One reason I have been so enthusiastic about HITLER'S WILLING EXECUTIONERS, despite its flaws, is that I think it pretty much in its essential point is accurate. I don't want to get into the Goldhagen debate again, but my evidence indicates that most German Protestants voted for Hitler, whose antisemitism articulated their own. The majority did not give a hoot in hell what happened to the Jews (there were exceptions, of course). Indeed, slaughter away, oh Nazis, just not in my backyard! seemed to be the attitude of the majority of Germans. Nothing that I have seen yet has changed my interpretation of the evidence. Believe me, I wish it were not true.

My evidence extends beyond the Nazis and the Germans. Most European, not all, seemed to feel the same way as most Germans. Even beyond this, many many Americans, including several leading members of the State Department, felt the same way as most Germans. My evidence puts the President himself close to this position. And damn him for it.

On another issue, I would like to associate myself with the remarks of Froma Zeitlin and David Myers on the politicization of Finkelstein. Visiting his web site is enough to shiver your timbers.


Robert Michael
[email protected]


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