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      From the papers of Jean Vaughan, American authoress       

Miscellaneous Extracts and drafts developed from other Lina Heydrich and Jean Vaughan Materials

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Himmler's Partei Nr was 14,303, and his SS Nr was 168.


In about 1929/30, Heydrich had been requested to leave the navy because of his association with women, debts, and other complaints by society.1


1943: Stroop and Höss of course both came directly under Himmler's orders, and did not respond to Hans Frank; Frank was more concerned about this usurpation of his authority as Generalgouverneur, than the atrocities (Warsaw, Auschwitz) themselves, felt G M Gilbert.2


Bach-Zelewski: Leon Goldensohn had lengthy conversations with the 'truthful opportunist' Bach-Zelewski, and probably still has his notes. [see his recent book?]3


Gilbert found Kaltenbrunner to be fawning and ingratiating when the tables were turned, and Kaltenbrunner was the prisoner; for a bar of chocolate, the SS general willingly wrote down all he knew in an essay on Himmler and the SS. In lay terms, he saw Kaltenbrunner as being an 'emotional cripple' rather than even mildly insane.4


Holocaust: The former Abwehr officer Hans-Bernd Gisevius, whose anti-Hitler credentials are above reproach, argued from his knowledge of his late friend Arthur Nebe and others involved, that Heydrich himself was the 'inventor' of that program. 'Always he felt bitter that Hitler's and Göring's or some other's reluctance prevented him to proceed as fast as he had in mind.'5


Heydrich described: Louis P Lochner, the Associated Press journalist, recalled years later that his voice struck him as the most coldly impersonal one that he had ever heard. 'He could speak of torture and extortion of confessions in a most matter of fact way, and his face remained immobile and unemotional.' But this is what history would expect a journalist to write of Heydrich, the policeman's policeman. He had the iron nerve never to bat an eyelid when the duelling blade flashed across his face. 'When I was in his presence,' continued Lochner, 'I always had the feeling that he was analyzing or dissecting each one of us and trying to find a vulnerable point where he might come up with an excuse for an arrest.' And more of the same.6


Lina hero-worshipped her husband and was bitter about the way he would come to be portrayed. She saw him as the 'grosser Gegenspieler des Kremls' - the great antagonist of the Kremlin.7


Schellenberg: Lina Heydrich was scathing about the 'treason' he had committed in 1945, evidently successfully, since, as she pointed out, her husband's Amtschef Schellenberg had survived, while Amtschef Ohlendorf had been hanged.8

She recommended that Oberg would be a fine source on Heydrich, once he was free to speak (he was serving a twenty year sentence in France). Lina called Schellenberg 'ambitious, unscrupulous, at the same time charming and intelligent.' After Reinhard Heydrich's death, she added, he knew how to make himself indispensable with Himmler. 'He does not acquire my esteem,' Lina added.9


Ohlendorf: Lina knew Ohlendorf as Sachbearbeiter, or specialist. 'He knew the development and history of the SD thoroughly, he was intelligent and brave, he was a "gentleman" - a man of honour,' she added, meaning unlike Schellenberg no doubt.10


Lina stated that Bammler and Bentivegni, of the Abwehr, were Canaris' constant companions when he came to the Heydrich house for conferences.11 She had asked her sister in law -- Heinz Heydrich's widow (living in Berlin with their five children) -- to write down her own reminiscences for Jean Vaughan.


Order to kill Jews in Russia. Reinhard Heydrich evidently kept these things to himself. Lina Heydrich would write privately in January 1952, 'As to the orders concerning the Jews in Russia, they were issued from the highest places [von den höchsten Stellen], as far as I know, and I don't know whether they were already issued at the lifetime of my husband. But the more I think about it, the more I doubt it. Some time ago, I had some rather interesting conversations on this matter, being so far rather ignorant of the beginning and development of these things.'12

Lina appeared to know nothing, i.e. Heydrich had told his wife nothing. She offered to ask Karl Wolff what he knew about the Judenfrage.13


Origins of Heydrich. [See too British 1942 document]. Like Himmler, Heydrich would die young - just thirty-eight when assassins struck him down. Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich had been born on March 7, 1904 as the first-born son of Bruno and Elizabeth Heydrich in Halle in the Saale. He was baptised into the Catholic church, and the feast that followed was by all accounts a lavish one. He was thus nearly four years younger than Himmler.

The family's origin was Silesia, near the Erzgebirge, mostly woodcutters and craftsmen by trade. Reinhard's grandfather was a musical instrument manufacturer from Meissen, in Saxony, and his father Bruno was the second of seven children, all talented musicians (pianists and violinists); After their father's early death, Bruno's mother had remarried, a stonemason by the name of Süfa (the origin of several false legends about Reinhard's ancestors). Bruno himself had married Elisabeth Krantz at a society wedding in Dresden's Catholic Königskirche (Hofkirche?).

Elizabeth's father Professor Eugen Krantz, son of a well known portrait painter, directed the Dresden Conservatoire, and then in 1899 established a well-regarded conservatoire in Halle [Konservatorium für Musik und Theater, at Gütchenstrasse 20: see photo in the Rasmussen collection], at which children from the age of seven could learn the piano, violin, and cello, and classes were held in singing and elocution. In Halle Bruno dedicated himself to composing religious operas.

Here in Halle their first son Reinhard would be born. Upon the death of her parents, the Krantz's, his wife Elisabeth had inherited their considerable wealth, and it was against this background of art and religious music that the young Reinhard had been brought up.14

At sixteen, Heydrich had joined the Freikorps movement as a messenger [Melder], no sinecure in the extremely Red heart of Central Germany. In 1922 he had joined the navy as an Offiziersanwärter, being promoted to Lieutenant in 1926 and Oberleutn zur See two years later, specialising in Funk- und Nachrichtenwesen. He had left the navy under a cloud, as it seems. Himmler's attention was drawn to him by a mutual friend, the then SS Obergruppenführer von Eberstein, and in July 1936 Himmler recruited Heydrich for the SS. As a simple SS man the former navy lieutenant joined the little Hamburg Staffel, with a number of mostly unemployed young men, fighting the Saalkämpfe, and carrying the Nazi propaganda battles into the Red districts of the city.15

Shortly after that Himmler fetched Heydrich down to Munich into the noch recht kleine Reichsführung SS, 'Mit der ihm angeborenen Treue und Zähigkeit stand er in den politisch so schweren Monaten des Herbstes 1932, die manche Forderungen stellten, seinen Mann.' [Not explained what those difficulties were.]16

Himmler was appointed Polizeipräsident in Munich on March 12, 1933. He at once turned over to Heydrich the sog. Politische Abteilung des Präsidiums. Heydrich remodeled it into the Bayerische Politische Polizei, and it became the model for similar units in all other non-Prussian Länder. Heydrich's rise was meteoric after that. On April 20, 1934, Göring turned over to Himmler and his deputy Heydrich (now an SS Brigadeführer), die Leitung der Geheimen Staatspolizei Preussens.

In 1936 Heydrich then became chief of the Sicherheitspolizei throughout the Reich, and simultaneously head of the gesamte Kriminalpolizei. He was aged just 32.17 (Six years later he would be already dead).

Himmler later praised Heydrich for his part in preparing the bloodless operations against Austria, the Sudeten territories, Bohemia-Moravia, and the liberation of the Slovakia, 'durch seine sorgfältige Feststellung und gewissenhafte Erfassung aller Gegner und einen meist bis ins kleinste gehenden klaren Überblick über die Tätigkeit der Feinde in diesen Ländern, ihre Organisationsstellen und ihre Anführer.'18

As though speaking of himself rather than Heydrich, Himmler continued:

‚Aus den tiefen Gründen seines Herzens und seines Blutes heraus hat er die Weltauffassung Adolf Hitlers erfüllt, erstanden und verwirklicht. Alle Probleme, die er zu lösen hatte, faßte er aus der grundsätzlichen Erkenntnis echter rassischer Weltanschauung und aus dem Wissen heraus an, daß Reinerhaltung, Sicherung und Schutz unseres Blutes das höchstes Gesetz ist. Er hatte dabei die schwere Aufgabe, eine Organisation aufzubauen und zu führen, die sich fast nur mit den Schattenseiten des Lebens, mit den Unzulänglichkeiten, Abwegigkeiten und mit dem Unverstehen ebensosehr wie mit dem bösen Willen, den verbrecherischen Trieben und asozialen Auswüschen der menschlichen Gesellschaft zu befassen hat.'19

As Himmler said to his brother, that was the policeman's lot.

Heydrich had been incorruptible, but also humane towards the weaknesses of others; he had no time for Schmeichler und Angeber. He gave the Kriminalpolizei die modernste technische und wissenschaftliche Ausrüstung, and als Leiter der Internationalen Kriminalpolizeilichen Kommission (Interpol) 'gab er allen Polizeien der Welt von seinem Wissen und seinen Erfahrungen kameradschaftlch wertvolle Beiträge.' Criminality had sunk in Germany, now in its third war-year, to the lowest level ever. 'Mögen alle Menschen in Deutschland die auch in der Zeit der Verdunkelung im Gegensatz zu den "herrlichen, humanen" demokratischen Ländern ruhig, unbelästigt und unberaubt über die Strasse gehen können, in ihrem Herzen Reinhard Heydrich dankbar sein.'

And once again, speaking as though of himself, Himmler praised Heydrich:

'Er war ein ebenso leuchtendes Vorbild in der Bereitschaft, Verantwortung zu tragen, wie er ein Muster an Bescheidenheit war.'

On top of all else, determined 'Das eigene Blut nicht zu schonen,' Heydrich had learned to fly in his spare time, gained his wings, joined the Luftwaffe als Jagdflieger and taken part in operations against Holland and Norway, earning the EK II. As BARBAROSSA began, flog Heydrich dann again als Jagdflieger bei einer deutschen Staffel in Südrußland, winning the EKI, 'ohne mein Wissen und dieses, das kann ich mit stolzer Freude bekennen und feststellen, war die einzelne Heimlichkeit, in den elf Jahres uns gemeinsamen Weges, die er vor mir hatte.' He was shot down by Russian flak gunners, landed between the lines, and got back safely.20

In September 1941 Hitler then appointed him Stellv Reichsprotektor of Böhmen-Mähren. In Prague he acted with an iron first, rounding up the anti-Reich elements, while winning over the rest to co-operate with him in restoring Czech's productive association with the Reich.

On May 27, 1942 a British-made assassin's bomb struck him down; badly injured, he had drawn his gun and fired back twice at the assassins. This super fit, almost superhuman Heydrich, dueller, champion fencer, runner, rider, swimmer, hovered between life and death for seven days before, as Himmler rather oddly put it, 'das Schicksal, der Herrgott, der Uralte, an den er, der große Gegner des Mißbrauches jeder Religion zu politischen Zwecken, in selbstverständlicher Unbeirrtheit und Unterordnung zutiefst glaubte,' put an end to sein körperliches Leben.21


Dr G M Gilbert quoted Erwin Lahousen, who suggested that Heydrich felt a social outcast after his separation from the Navy, and was inordinately grateful for the company of Vice Admiral Canaris to the extent that he later closed his eyes to any suspicions of the admiral's loyalty.22


Himmler saw nothing [[wrong]] in the close association between the families of Heydrich and Canaris. Lina Heydrich liked Canaris, and would wring her hands many times after the war about the unjustness of the spy chief's execution as a traitor in April 1945 (she seemed unaware of the depth of his traitorous activities).

She found the friendship between Heydrich and Canaris amusing, more than anything else. Both were musicians, and their wives relished their harmless little musical soirées in Berlin. 'He was a rather sly and businessmanlike person,' she wrote of Canaris; 'but without greatness, without a straight line in his work, and unable to organise and build up an actually powerful SD [security service]. My husband used to say, "He's always his own spy" [meaning he did everything himself]. But they got along quite well.'

They both had been officers in the Navy, and navies have always inspired a cliquishness, a camaraderie, a chauvinism among their officers, 'My husband never anticipated high-treason of him, but he often called him a schräger Vogel, a crooked old bird, which means that my husband knew that ... [next page missing?]'23


At the Halle conservatoire, Heydrich's father Bruno Heydrich had composed an opera, Das Leierkind, The Handorgan Child, which ended with the words: The whole world is nothing but a handorgan / which God himself is grinding / and everyone has but to dance to the tune / which is just whining' According to Lina, these were the last words spoken now by Reinhard to Himmler, as he said farewell in Prague, 'when his time had come and God called him.'


Heydrich revelled in the legends that surrounded the SD and its fellow organisations. Zum Tag der Deutschen Polizei in 1941, he would proclaim, "Geheime Staatspolizei, Kriminalpolizei und Sicherheitsdienst sind noch umworben vom raunenden und flüsternden Geheimnis des politischen Kriminalromans. In einer Mischung von Furcht und Gruseln und doch im Inland mit einem gewissen Gefühl der Sicherheit ob ihres Vorhandenseins sagt den Männern diese Arbeit im Ausland gern Brutalität ans Sadistische grenzende Unmenschlichkeit und Herzlosigkeit nach. Im Inland achtet und unterstützt man verstehend unsere Aufgabe,. Hier gibt uns nichts, bis zum kleinsten egoistischen Wunsch, was man nicht glaubt durch die Geheime Staatspolizei lösen zu können. So sind wir, scherzhaft gesagt, variabel zum 'Mädchen für alles,' bis zum 'Mülleimer des Reiches.'"

The strains of war had added to the tasks of these professional, educated, politically unimpeachable men - some in the Geheime Feldpolizei, many more als besondere sicherheitspolizeiliche Einsatzkommandos mit dem Ziel der politischen Sicherung der besetzten Gebiete, face to face with a feindliche Bevölkerung. While ordinary soldiers were soon recognised with medals and honours and fame, the politische Soldat der "heimlichen Front" mußte dagegen schweigen, 'unerhört geduldig, oft nur andere politischen Faktoren dienend, schaffen in der Gewißheit, daß seine Tat sehr spät, oft nie öffentlich gewürdigt werden darf." He did not explain what such deeds were.


Data from Himmler's obituary speech, Jun 9, 1942 (printed text):

Himmler had appointed Heydrich to the Spezialgebiet schon 1931. He recognized early on the importance of striking the enemies of the Movement in ihren geistigen Würzeln. Bormann said at the funeral: So wurde Reinhard Heydrich zu einem der aktivsten Kämpfer für die Sicherung und Reinerhaltung des national-sozialistischen Ideengutes. Jeder Angehörige des SD sollte weltanschaulich und charakterlich so gefestigt sein, daß er diese schweren und oft undankbare Aufgabe erfüllen konnte, ohne menschlich Schaden zu leiden. Dem SD des RFSS, dem die Beschaffung und Bearbeitung des nachrichtendienstlichen Materials für die Partei obliegt... reporting not only on the enemy but on the errors and faults being made within the Party and Reich too.24

© David Irving, 2005
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