The St Martin’s Press Scandal

THE FAMOUS New York firm of publishers, St Martin’s Press, which had previously published several books by David Irving and requested him to provide jacket-puffs to promote the works of their other authors, contracted to publish his biography, Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich in April 1996.

SMP came under savage assault from the Anti-Defamation League [ADL] in February 1996, and their chairman Tom McCormack, who had visited Irving in London and dined with him over the previous years, suddenly became A Denier. SMP dumped the book, the product of eight years’ research, in an unprecedented action of jibbering, craven, and panic. It did not save McCormack; he resigned six weeks later.


Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reichis now available as a free Adobe Acrobat download on this website. [Download-page]


[A twenty year campaign by the ADL against David Irving]


* This file contains some items lifted off other Websites, to whose Webmasters we express thanks.

© Focal Point 1999 F e-mail: DISmall write to David Irving

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