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Hitler's War - Millennium Edition. DAVID IRVING'S best-selling biography of the Nazi leader, based on the original papers and exclusive interviews of his private staff, now fully updated and revised. Joined at last by the mighty second volume of Irving's best-selling biography, Churchill's War: Triumph in Adversity. Two one-thousand page books, each brilliantly illustrated with hundreds of photographs and documents, many in colour. A lifetime of searching in the world's archives, distilled into two famous flagship works. As Christopher Hitchens observes in The Atlantic Monthly (April 2002), many other leading authors now take Irving's original research as their own starting point on both Hitler and Churchill. They never surpass him.

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Focal Point Publications, London
Parforce UK Ltd, Company Number 2911291; Reg. Office Sanford House, Medwin Walk, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1AG

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