
 Posted Tuesday, July 2, 2002

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It was in World War I that German soldiers turned up with their belt buckle motto of God With Us -- Gott mit uns. The British troops rapidly turned out some buckles reading, 'We got mittens too.' -- David Irving, reflecting on changes in ones fortunes.





July 1, 2002 (Monday)
Key West (Florida)

Jessica and her best friend Mia

from Action Report No. 15

JUST when I am beginning to wonder how we are to make ends meet as a family in future, with everything seized by the enemy -- my home of thirty-four years and all my papers -- at five p.m. I read a message from Benté in London, that she has just opened this letter from Jessica's school (words that used to strike something akin to terror into me as a school-fee paying parent: which I have been now for over thirty years).

It announces that "as a result of Jessica's excellent academic progress this year and based on her results in the end of term examinations," she has been awarded the school's first ever academic bursary. Since it will continue for three years, it is worth some $20,000 to the little mite in all. "May I congratulate Jessica on her outstanding achievement." Indeed, indeed.

Jessica, 3This message brings tears of pride to my eyes. What a triumph for Bente and Jessica! Well done, the two of them! I phone Benté at once (although it is now very late in London and the family is asleep) to congratulate them both.

What a sudden turnaround in family fortunes. And all their own work. She says it was her egg that has done the trick, and I do not argue that point. I pass the letter on to my counsel, busy preparing the next wallop for the enemy (an earlier message today from my attorneys has said we can expect the final trial transcripts we are waiting for to come over from the Court transcription service tomorrow).

"In the circumstances," I suggest, "something of a relief. We had no inkling this was coming; she is the only one to get this scholarship in the whole school. . . A blink of light in a rather sombre patch."

Cycle up the Gulf coast to Stock Island for supper: fish 'n' chips, five dollars.

Jessica (far right, peeping, with paper
Jessica (far right, peeping, with paper, Christmas 1998

July 1, 2002 (Monday)
Key West (Florida)

Up early and send this email to Benté, who has had an awful time these last few weeks:

You must still be glowing with pride. I had wonderful dreams all night about Jessica's future rise to power. She was on a bus, sitting next to me, talking about the problems of capitalism. I have told a LOT of people about the news, and they all send you huge congratulations as the architect of this triumph.

It was in World War I, I recall reading, that German soldiers first turned up with their belt buckle motto of God With Us -- Gott mit uns. The British Tommies rapidly turned out some buckles reading, "We got mittens too."

If it were not currently ninety degrees and horridly humid down here, I would have the feeling that those handy item of Holy apparel must already be in my drawer somewhere too. I got mittens, and the next round of the fight draws nigh!




Previous Radical's Diary
In memory of her sister Josephine
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