
 Posted Sunday, December 17, 2000

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London, December 15, 2000
UK Jews Plan Israeli Propaganda Group

London, Dec. 15, IRNA -- UK Jewish leaders were reported Friday to be considering plans for an Israeli propaganda group to counter the growing criticism of the Zionist regime after killing some 300 Palestinian civilians in the past 10 weeks.

The plans are for a "high-powered media and public relation body to put Israel's case in Britain" and will need £400,000 to launch the project, according to the Jewish Chronicle. "One of the reasons we are looking to raise such a substantial sum is because we want to employ the best and most qualified people and will need to pay sensible salaries," one Jewish leader was quoted saying.

Support for the propaganda body, which also aims to back the work of existing Zionist lobby groups like the Labour and Conservatives Friends of Israel, has come from the Israeli Embassy in London and the Chief Rabbi in Britain, Jonathan Sacks. An Israeli embassy official was quoted saying that it viewed the establishment of the public relations team as a "lynchpin for safeguarding" the interests of Israel and the Jewish community.

Sacks, who led a group of British journalists to Israel last week to ensure they presented "the story behind the story," said that he would be supportive of "any changes that would prioritise" the presentation of Israel's case.

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