
Posted Thursday, February 13, 2003

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  Those interested in these matters might like to read The Israeli Holocaust Against The Palestinians by M Hoffman and Professor Moshe Lieberman.

London, Monday, February 10, 2003, page 13


Israel's record speaks for itself

by A.N. Wilson

WHILE the Germans protest and the French dig in their heels, it is worth remembering that ours is not the only country whose people oppose the war in Iraq.

A great many Americans do so, too. As President Bush and Tony Blair prepare for war, here is a truncated version of a questionnaire compiled by Brigadier General James J David (retired), Company Commander of the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam from 1969-70 and a veteran of three years active duty in the Middle East (1967-70).

Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons? Answer: Israel.

Which country refuses to sign a non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspectors? Answer: Israel.

Which country has seized the sovereign territory of other nations by military force, which it continues to hold in defiance of UN resolutions? Answer: Israel.

Which country is in defiance of 69 UN resolutions and has been protected in 20 of these cases by a US veto on the Security Council? Answer: Israel.

Which country has assassinated a high-ranking UN official? Answer: Israel.

Which country has just re-elected as Prime Minister the man who ordered that assassination? Answer: Israel.

Which country has dispossessed 4,000 Palestinians by demolishing their homes, has created 762,000 refugees, refusing them permission to return to their farms and businesses? Answer: Israel.

Which country regularly breaks the Geneva Convention by imposing collective "punishments" on whole towns and villages? Answer: Israel.

Which country has used a weapon of mass destruction - ie a "smart bomb" - on a densely populated civilian area, killing 15 civilians, including nine children? Answer: Israel.

Which country receives weaponry from the United States for nothing, which it sells to China in defiance of protests from the US? Answer: Israel.

Which country, reckoned to be the 16th richest in the world, receives a third of all US overseas aid? Answer: Israel.


Those interested in these matters might like to read The Israeli Holocaust Against The Palestinians by M Hoffman and Professor Moshe Lieberman by writing to 253 W72nd Street, Apartment 1711, New York, NY1002.



  Three days later the Evening Standard prints an abject, cringing apology for publishing the above article by its own leading columnist
The above news item is reproduced without editing other than typographical
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