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Posted Wednesday, May 11, 2005

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Boston, Massachusetts, May 9, 2005


Enough with the Holocaust

Re: Suggestions: Boston Globe, May 9, and every day

Dear Editorial Staff:

AS you know my husband and I treasure reading your newspaper each and every morning, for many reasons. There are a variety of many interesting subjects, many of which we cut and save for our files.

However, you must understand that we do have a valid complaint which rises up from time to time. It is obvious that you are writing your news recalling WWII especially for the Jewish people who like to see the Holocaust mentioned very often.

Today, we read two more articles that mention the 6 million in one of their first paragraphs.

Whoever is writing on WWII must desperately wish readers to be aware that the most pain experienced in that war was experienced by the 6 million Jews in German prison camps. There are no other groups that are so strongly focused on in your newspaper.

Would it be too much to ask that you make an excellent move on your part by giving the rest of us a regular reminder from time to time about the other close to 60 million who were killed and/or incarcerated in WWII?

You seem to have a plentiful collection of memories, and we readers are being consumed by stories on Holocaust victims. What about the rest of the world involved in that war? In the Pearl Harbor attack? How many Philipinos were dead? And, worst of all, the horror of the first nuclear bombs in Japan? And how many lives were broken up emotionally and economically by the internment of the Japanese in the western part of the United States? We never hear of the loss of 27 million Russians in the same war. What about a story of the Italians who had to live in caves during WWII, practically starving to death?

Could we have a number of Jews who were GIs during WWII? What percentage did they represent? How many American GIs were killed in Germany as a price of war? How many incarcerated by the Germans? How many GIs were tortured and imprisoned by the Japanese? How many prisoners of war did the US torture and keep? Let's have some stories of all of these? These, too, occurred. But we never hear these survivors' stories!

Another point to make: why do your photographers (AP) repeatedly print photos of Arabs or Palestinians waving their arms high in the air, but Sharon and his entourage are pleasantly seated at meetings in dignified positions? This definitely portrays an unfair idea of Arabs, giving the reader an incorrect picture of them as people who wish for freedom and democracy, also making them appear less than intelligent though many of them are well educated.

MAY we make a suggestion? Let's be realistic. There are many non-Jews who read your paper and tire of the "same old, same old." Perhaps you should have a short edition added to the Boston Globe for a lesser price, offered only to readers who care to peruse or study assiduously all the facts about the Holocaust, all of the court cases purporting to collect monies from countries' railroads, banks and other systems, also all of the public occasions honoring only the Jewish people who died during World War II.

We need fair play, giving a balance to the daily news. We are not haters of Jews or Zionists, but the over-extending of Holocaustal writing is becoming nearly ridiculous. There are too many pro-Israeli editorials and op-eds compared to the few pro-Palestinian views. The long and extended obits for those involved in the Holocaust are extremely interesting and we enjoy reading their histories, but they, too, are seen more often than others.

As for the rest of us, we could peacefully take up our morning news without the strong focus on just one subject. This would be a great improvement. Certainly the press would create less resentment by lessening to a great extent this repetitive style of journalism. Also, you might see a great deal less of the anti-Semitism that is written about so very often.


Carol Rae Bradford

[Which earns this reply from a hater:]

From Tannie

The writer of this OP-ED letter like the poster above is self undone by their inability to hide their dislike (hatred) of Jews.

The writer claims that she is not a hater of Jews but just doesn't want to see or hear of their suffering (under the Nazis). Apparently, other suffering is more valid. She would like to see more of that. Later in her letter she appears to go off on a tangent asking that Arab terrorists be photographed in dignified business attire. Now her complaint is that those who murder Jews are not being treated fairly in the media. She wants more pro Arab terrorist stories. Where previously she couldn't stand to see another reference to the holocaust of the Jews (she implies that this is what creates anti-Semitism) now she can't get enough of those respectable Arab Muslim terrorists who murder Jews.

The only point of commonality between these otherwise two totally different desires are an extreme dislike of Jews. She can't stand the Jews who were slaughtered during the holocaust and she can't stand the Jews who refuse to be slaughtered by Arab Muslim terrorists.

Yes, we know that the Holocaust is the only thing holding you together Sam. It's a shame no other news will ever be deemed important. I believe every news source, news station, magazines, books, pamphlets, etc., should have at the end of each and every one something that acknowledges just the Jews who died in the holocaust, no one else. It doesn't matter what kind of news there is or what kind of book it is, just be sure to end it with the Jewish holocaust. This way every breathing soul in the nation is covered and won't be considered anti-Semitic.

But what's even worse is she didn't say any of what you so callously interpreted above. You just helped yourself and stated a whole bunch of crap.


The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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