
 Posted Friday, October 29, 1999

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October 29, 1999

Killing us softly

By Robert Eady

Re: Teaching It's OK To Kill Disabled Babies, Oct.25.

I FOUND it interesting that Professor Peter Singer, who advocates killing disabled children, refuses to wear leather boots because he is opposed on ethical grounds to anything made of animal product.

Adolf Hitler also exhibited a great tenderness for animals, especially his beloved Alsatian, Blondi. Towards the end of the war, when he was ordering the murder of millions of people, he delighted in one of Blondi's pups, allowing no one but himself to touch or feed it.

The professor has claimed that "it is mental capacity that distinguishes human beings, not species." In anticipation of getting old and feeble-minded, maybe we should all get down on our hands and knees and practise howling and barking. If we are mistaken for dogs, maybe the social engineers of the future will allow us to live a little longer.

Our opinion
  TO AVOID charges of antisemitism the National Post and letter-writer Mr Eady did not identify Professor Singer in more detail.

The above news item is reproduced without editing other than typographical
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