Our gift to you:

Read the rest of David Irving’s great biography of Winston Churchill. “The Struggle for Power”


If Martin Gilbert’s work is the quarry from which the wagons of orthodoxy continue to trundle away . . . Irving’s Churchill’s War is the dynamite that lies still unexploded around the quarry. — Christopher Hitchens, in The Atlantic Monthly.

And Churchill’s own private secretary Sir Anthony Montague-Browne wrote:

A great deal of it is a well composed and absorbing account of great events, containing surprisingly generous references to Churchill’s qualities. For instance, he refers to “this lion hearted man”. Elsewhere one comes across references to “this Leonardo of the English tongue” and to Churchill’s prophecies being “a tour-de-force”.


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This online text will not include the Notes on Sources or Bibliography. The text is Copyright © Focal Point Publications, 1980 and 2015.



Chapters 1 to 15

Chapters 16 to 30

Chapter 31-the end
© Focal Point Publications 2015