
 Posted Friday, November 1, 2002

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On Saturday evening, Nov. 16, Deborah Lipstadt will be the special guest at a private home in Newton . . . the signature event of The Jewish Community Day School in Newton. -- Open invitation


Jewish Telegraph Agency, New York, October 31, 2002


JTA logoLipstadt had surgery last month

AT Sunday's plenary, historian Deborah Lipstadt, weak from recent surgery, drew two standing ovations from the Lions, as she received an award for her battle against libel charges from British Holocaust denier David Irving.

NWC chair Ann-Louise Kleper presented a menorah to the Emory University Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies for her role "as guardian of truth and memory."

Lipstadt told of the messages of suppport from Holocaust survivors during and after her 2000 victory in a London courtroom.

"Mamele, mamele, mamele, du bist unzere Devorah," she quoted Atlanta's Betty Goodfriend as telling her, comparing the feisty scholar to the biblical warrior Deborah."


Matters of Taste' fund-raiser for JCDS

YOU read about Deborah Lipstadt on the front page of the New York Times. Sued for libel by the notorious Holocaust denier David Irving, Lipstadt and her publisher, Penguin UK, won a resounding victory. The London Daily Telegraph declared that this case "has done for the new century what the Nuremberg tribunals or the Eichmann trial did for earlier generations." The London Observer noted that the verdict was "one of the most crushing judgments ever dumped over an English plaintiff." A historical consultant to the U.S. Holocaust Museum and a member of its council, Professor Lipstadt has written "Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory," which led to her successful London trial, and "Beyond Belief: The American Press and the Coming of the Holocaust," in which she examines how the American press covered the news of the "final solution."

On Saturday evening, Nov. 16 [2002], Deborah Lipstadt will be the "special guest" at a private home in Newton as part of Matters of Taste, the signature event of The Jewish Community Day School in Newton. Fifteen other privately hosted dinners will be held simultaneously each featuring "special guests" such as Osvaldo Golijov, prize-winning composer; Professor Deborah Lipstadt, Holocaust scholar who won a resounding victory in England against a Holocaust denier; Steve Grossman, longtime leader in the state and national Democratic parties; and, Adam Seligman, professor of religion and founder of "The Toleration Project." If you would like us to set a place for you at one of these dinners, please contact Karen Doryoseph at 617-965-5100 or [email protected].

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Update on Lipstadt's Book About the Trial: Irving v. Lipstadt

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