Fireworks for Dr Toben
Documents on the Australian Ban

Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission, Australia


In the Matter of the

Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)


Jeremy Jones on Behalf of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry




Dr Frederick Toben on Behalf of the Adelaide Institute


Witness Statement by David Irving

Guy Fawke's Day, 1997



Witness Statement by David Irving

I am David John Cawdell Irving, a professional historian of British nationality, of 81 Duke Street, London,W1M 5DJ, whose thirty works of history and biography have been published by the world's leading publishers, including translations into many different languages since 1963, which books have attracted widespread critical acclaim from both academic historians and the general public.

2. I have been apprised of the above-referenced forthcoming proceedings commenced by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission on a complaint of Jeremy Jones on behalf of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry against Dr Fredrick Toben under the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 of the Commonwealth of Australia, and I have been invited by the Respondent to render assistance to the Inquiry as a witness.

3. It is my understanding that (a) the complaint concerns materials allegedly published by Dr Toben on his Internet Website under the name Adelaide Institute, and that (b) the complaint is framed specifically to address Dr Toben's purported views on recent history including the German and other wartime persecution and liquidation of the European Jewish communities.

4. I consider that I can render useful service to the conduct of these proceedings as a witness on the following matters of which I have personal knowledge or expertise and which appear to be germane to the complaint(s) levelled against Dr Toben.

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5. Brief description of areas of expertise:

(a) as an historian: the careers of the principal Nazi leaders, including specifically Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring, and Dr Joseph Goebbels; the archival and documentary evidence for assertions about those careers, and the part they played in the Third Reich; the current state of research into the German and other wartime persecution and liquidation of the European Jewish communities; the conflicting views which have emerged on that history, including but not limited to the so-called Historikerstreit (Historians' Dispute) raging in Germany since 1977; further, on the perceived role of the Jewish people in directing the Soviet revolution, managing the Soviet police state, and running the satellite nations in the Soviet empire until its recent collapse, with special reference to their role in the ÁVH (Álamvedelmy Hatosag), Hungarian secret police, before the Budapest Uprising of 1956, on which I published a well-received history, based on CIA materials, in 1981

(b) as a writer, international lecturer, and publisher: the problems of establishing, publishing, printing, and disseminating controversial and often distasteful minority views which run counter to the prevailing or received opinions of the majority;

(c) as a writer, international lecturer, and publisher: the tortious methods used by specific international organisations to attack the basic, and in many countries including the Commonwealth of Australia chartered, fundamental human rights of individuals including the rights to freedom of speech, freedom of association, and freedom of thought.

(d) general: I was one of a number of persons visited by Dr Toben on his recent world-wide tour of historical sites, during which visit he discussed with, and was advised on by, me and others the proper and dispassionate approaches to those sites.

6. Although a best-selling, high-profile professional historian, I have been subjected to a thirty-year campaign of boycotting, hounding, persecution and de facto punishment by organisations based in the U.K., Australia, and elsewhere overseas, all, it has to be regretted, primarily Jewish in character, to harass, vilify, threaten, assault, silence, and permanently commercially ruin me. Many details of their disgraceful actions have come to light only in consequence of lawsuits which I have instituted for defamation in the U.K. and Australia, and under due procedures initiated by myself or my agents in Canada and the United States under those countries' Access to Information and Freedom of Information Acts respectively, on which discoveries I can also testify. I am aware of, and can testify about, other historians who have similarly suffered.

7. These opponents, shying away, one and all, from the daylight of fair public debate and inquiry, have done their dirty work by clandestine means, furnishing perjured statements about me (and no doubt others) to foreign governments and starting whispering campaigns against me; they have themselves (to use the words of the Act) "offended, insulted, humiliated and intimidated" me, entirely because of my beliefs; they have applied violent and/or psychological pressure to my publishers to violate fair contracts freely entered into, even forcing them on one occasion (The Sunday Times, London in the summer of 1992) to refuse to pay moneys owing to me under such a contract (under which I had provided to the newspaper the diaries of Nazi propaganda minister Dr Joseph Goebbels, which I had retrieved from a secret Moscow archives). Among their methods of intimidation, which bear a close similarity to the methods used by the Nazis in the 1930s, these organisations have in the U.K. started campaigns of book-burning and window-smashing against bookstores, and blackmailed printers in Britain and Denmark, to my knowledge, to abandon production plans for books.

8. In my testimony which I shall put before the hearing I shall give the details, supported by documentary evidence, of the methods which these opponents have relied upon, and are relying upon also in Australia against victims like Dr Toben - whose own views are immaterial to this argument.

9. I understand that the principal complainant in the above-referenced action is one Jeremy Jones.

10. The aforementioned Jones was formerly Research Officer of the New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies. ("Research officer" is the euphemism for Intelligence officer, and in most nations this position in Jewish community organisations is held by a full-time agent of The Mossad, a foreign Intelligence service). Latterly the complainant has been Sydney Bureau chief for Australia/Israel Publications and is since March 1997 de facto "foreign minister" of the Australian Jewish community.

11. I aver that I shall be able to testify to the inquiry on the following issues specifically referring to this complainant insofar as they have a direct bearing on his complaint:

(a) Mr Jones is one official of a number of Australian organisations, all, it has again to be regretted, primarily Jewish in character, which have arrogated to themselves the task of policing, by fair means or foul, the entry into Australia of ideas and opinions which they perceive as threatening their interests, whether vital or commercial or other. By these methods, which in my submission have brought discredit to their entire community, a few individuals have caused me great offence and distress on a continental scale throughout Australia, and it is my belief that those public and high-profile methods have generated far greater antisemitism among the Australian public, whose opinion I have been closely following, than any of the respondent' publications complained of.

(b) In my specific case, the complainant Mr Jones, upon learning that I had engaged to enter Australia in 1992 for a third lecture tour at universities and private audiences, organised or participated in a campaign:-

to suppress and violate my rights to express my properly and sincerely-held views which are legal within the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia, and

to suppress furthermore and violate the rights of the putative Australian audiences to hear me express those views.

He conducted this hate-campaign by mounting a disgraceful campaign of agitation and smears against me, which rose to such a crescendo that I was obliged to instruct solicitors in Perth, WA, to commence proceedings for libel and defamation against him, against the newspapers publishing his venomous and hate-filled outpourings, and against other journalists emulating him.

These actions Mr Jones and his fellow defendants legally but immorally defended by (i) obtaining court Orders for them to be heard in eastern Australia, at prohibitive expense for myself as Plaintiff; and (ii) obtaining court orders for security for costs, which effectively brought the actions to a halt (the notorious defence of "we shall feel free to lie because the Plaintiff is too poor to defend himself"). The actions were perforce discontinued, each side paying their own costs. Disregarding the terms of the consent order, Mr Jones has continued to libel and vilify me, in newspapers and on major television programmes, believing himself to be at a safe distance from our own jurisdiction.

 David Irving

London the fifth day of November 1997

© Focal Point 1999 David Irving