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Document Obtained by Law

from Canadian Government files

Deportation from Canada

Documents Released Under the Access to Information Act
by the Federal Department of Citizenship and Immigration in 1994

In 1992 the Board of Deputies of British Jews updated its secret dossier on Mr Irving with these items relevant to 1991-2. The text is reproduced here without correction of textual, grammatical, spelling or factual errors. It is held to be libellous in content.



1. On 5.1.1991, the Bavarian Interior Minister called for Irving to be banned from addressing the DVU in Passau.

2. On 6.1.1991, he wrote to The Sunday Telegraph and declared his "unrepentance" at being a "revisionist historian".

3. In February I 991, Irving telephoned the historian Gerald Fleming and proposed they write a book together on the Holocaust. He stressed that it would be a run-away best seller. Fleming angrily refused and demanded that he cease his denial activities, Irving then hung up.

4. Francis Wheen's Diary in The Independent on Sunday, 3.3.1991, carried an interview with Irving in which he claimed to be hoping to tour bombed Iraqi cities. Wheen also described how Irving was still enthused by his having addressed the DVU in Passau (see above, Section 1).

4.1. "There was a crowd of 10,000! The audience was chanting my name!". Irving's speech had been circumscribed by an injunction banning him from mentioning certain subjects. He claimed that further bannings against him under the Aliens Act would lead to his applying for German citizenship.

4.2. Irving told Wheen that Germany would "achieve with the Deutschmark, what Hitler failed to achieve" and boasted "I'm a mob orator. The German language is a lovely language for making mob oratory in".

4.3. Wheen also wrote that Chancellor Kohl had given one of his speech-writers a copy of Churchill's War as Christmas present. It is probable that Irving gave Wheen this information.

5. In August 1991 a notice was issued from Freundeskreis Faksimile Verlag, a right wing publishing house in Hamburg which itemised four forthcoming books by David Irving:

5.1. "The Eichman Protocol - German Jewish Collaboration leading to the founding of Israel", to be published in November 1991.

5.2. "Special Volume, 66 Question and their answers on the Final Solutions", to be published in November 1991

5.3. "Adolf Hitler and the Jewish Questions". 2000 documents in 2 volumes to be published in Spring 1992.

6. 1. Irving visited Schleswig Holstein, Germany (despite the ban on his entry to Germany) on 31.10. 1991 in order to address a number of clandestine neo-Nazi meetings.

6.2. Irving co-operated throughout his tour both with the BBC and ITV and subsequently appeared on British Television on three successive occasions during the last two week of November 1991.

6.3. Irving declared on the issue of asylum seekers in Germany (BBC2 "Newsnight" 13.11.1991). "You're seeing a germ cell of nationalism emerging of (German) nationalists and they're not going away. They're going to be here for the next twenty or thirty years".

6.4. Irving played a prominent part in the documentary "Dispatches - the truth sets us free" broadcast on Channel 4, on 27.11.1991. Irving was shown to be the mentor of the Far Right in modern Germany today, and the leader of their quest to absolve Hitler and the Nazi regime of War Crimes.

6.5. During his tour, Irving was reported to have addressed audiences in Hamburg and the former East German city of Halle. In Halle the audience included a mob of tattooed, flag waving youths who shouted "Sieg Heil" when Irving extolled the heroism of "that great Germany martyr Rudolf Hess". This was reproduced in part on "This Week" ITV which was broadcast on 28. 11.1991.

6.6. It is claimed that the German authorities were embarrassed by Irving's recent visit and been blamed their failure to recognise him at the border. It is understood that the German authorities now intend to tighten their procedures, the prevent Irving's future entry into Germany.

7. Irving issued an updated and revised edition of 'Hitler's War' during November 1991 omitting all references to death camps.

8. Irving successfully distributed "Hitler's War" in December 1991 to Blackwells Bookshop, Manchester (on display), Hough & Hochland Bookshop, Manchester (under the counter) and Dillons, St Anne's Square Manchester. Waterstones however, refused to sell it.

9. Irving, under the auspices of the Clarendon Club, organised an invitation-only meeting at an undisclosed venue on the evening of the 15.11.1991 to be addressed by disgraced French "Professor" Robert Faurisson and fraudulent US "engineer" Fred Leuchter.

9. 1. The meeting took place at Chelsea Old Town Hall between 19:30 and 22:30 hours. Those present included David Irving. Robert Faurisson, Fred L.euchter, BNP Activists John Tyndall, Richard Edmonds, John Morse, Steve Tyler, John Peacock, and Andrew Lightfoot and Swedish revisionist Rami, a Muslim fundamentalist. The total attendance was approximately 180 people. Security at the event was led by members of the International Third Position and BNP.

9.2. After an introduction by Irving and a speech by Faurisson, Fred Leuchter took the stand to a great ovation.

9.3. Leuchter spoke for 15 minutes before he was arrested and removed by a Police Officer. (He had been banned from entering Britain following a campaign led by the Board of Deputies).

10. Former Junior Minister of Defence, Alan Clark, was present at a Cocktail Party on 2nd December 1991 at David Irving's Mayfair home to launch the revised version of "Hitler's War" .

10.1 Mr Clark told the Jewish Chronicle that he "utterly rejects" Mr Irving's views. He also stated "my presence did not constitute any form of endorsement for views more recently advanced by Mr Irving" .

10.2 Alan Clark did not stand for re-election in the General Election in April 1992.



1. David Irving planned to present evidence at an appeal in Munich on May 5th to show that no Jews were gassed at Auschwitz.

1.2. The 'evidence' will constitute Irving's defence on Appeal to the charge of "uttering forbidden words" under a German Law which makes it illegal to insult the memory of the Holocaust victims. Irving was guilty as charged and fined 7000 DM during 1991.

2. David Irving was in South Africa (from 18.3.1992) and it is unknown when he returned.


1.     Introduction

1.1. It is alleged that David Irving was presented with the memoirs of Adolf Eichman during a lecture tour of South America in Buenos Aires in November 1991 .

1.2. It is understood that Irving's source was Hugo Byltebier, a Flemish aviation expert Irving in Argentina.

1.3. According to Irving the memoirs were dictated in secret to Wilhelm Sassen, the former Flemish SS Officer, a Dutch Nazi friend. The contents of 70 tapes were then transcribed into nearly 1,000 pages of flimsy typescript.

1.4. Preliminary analysis of the paper by the German National archive in Koblenz suggests that it is an authentic copy of the Eichmann memoirs.

1.5. Some of the material has aIready been published. It is thought that either Dieter Eichman (Eichman' son) or Wilhelm Sassen sold the memoirs to Druffel Verlag, a neo-Nazi publisher based in a small town or village near Munich. The memoirs were subsequently published in a limited edition in the 1960s at the time of Eichman's trials.

1.6. One of the advantages of the new documentation is the raw state of the material which includes Eichman's own corrections.

1.7. Irving's discovery was released in the press following a number of interviews on 12/13.1.1992.


2.      Introduction:

According to the documentation Eichman is hazy on dates but on every occasion where he discussed the order for physical destruction he places it in the summer or Autumn of 1941. This predates the popular date of the onset or the Holocaust at the conference of Wansee in January 1942.


3.      Impact on Historical Revisionism:

3.1. Their impact on historical revisionism hinges on the evidence the Memoirs provide that Hitler was personally responsible for the order of the physical destruction of the Jews.

3.2. This challenges Irving's central tenet that Hitler was unaware of the mass extermination of the Jews.

3.3 . Irving responded as follows "that shows Eichman believed there was an Order from Hitler, though it still does not prove there was one". (Times 13.1.1991)

"This caused me a certain amount of anguish because I wrote in my biography of Hitler. that Hitler had no knowledge of any mass extermination of the Jews. I am quite ready to accept that Eichman believed there was an order from the Fuhrer, but I have not finished assessing the papers yet and it would be premature to talk about revising any opinions I have held". (Telegraph 13.1.1992).

"It makes me glad I've not adopted the narrow minded approach that there was no Holocaust. I've never adopted that view. Eichxnan describes in such very great details that you have to accept there was mass exterminations" .

"Most revisionists have never disagreed there was a major injustice done to the Jewish people. But their tentpole has been that there were no gas chambers". (Sunday Telegraph 12.1.1992).

4.      Assessment of Irving's Behaviour:

4. 1. A number of theories have been suggested as to why Irving has publicised a document which contradicts his own theory.

4.2. Dr David Cesarani, organiser of the Weiner Library Conference on the Final Solution accuses Irving of "tying to restore his credibility by shrugging off the millstone that has dogged his political progress...." (Independent 13. I .1992)

4.3. Cesarani further believes that the release of the Eichman memoirs was timed to coincide with the release of the 'Black Book', or Nazi atrocities in the Soviet Union in order to divert attention. The 'Black Book' contains more than two million papers which take up 15 miles of shelving and represent the most important new material on the Holocaust to emerge for a considerable number of years.

4.4. Irving certainly enjoys the publicity he creates and the revenue it provides:

Martin Gilbert (Times 13.1.1992) "For many years Mr Irving has denies these facts about the Holocaust and now he makes a virtue of finding them". ..


It was mid 1995 before Mr Irving first saw the above documents, obtained under Canada's Access to Information Act from Canadian Government files. He at once started libel proceedings against the Board of Deputies of British Jews under the Defamation Act. The Board did not plead justification, but by claiming that Mr Irving's action was now "out of time" under the Limitations Act they were able to avoid the penalties of lying. When they argued during the hearing before Mr Justice Toulson that they had only published the document to one party, the judge interrupted: "Yes, to the Canadian Government -- with catastrophic results for Mr Irving!"


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