The International Campaign for Real History

DAVID IRVING: "Hitler's War" (1977 edition)

THE original edition of David Irving's revolutionary biography Hitler's War, published in 1977 in the UK by Hodder & Stoughton, London, and in the United States by The Viking Press, New York, has been scanned and converted into 42 chapters in html format; you can download each chapter individually, or download all 42 at once in a compressed (.zip) file (one megabyte) which expands to a folder containing all 42 chapters, a hyperlinked Contents list, and this note.

Note that this 1977 edition does not include the pre-war chapters, which were published a year later as The War Path. (This is available as a separate free download.)

The html pages are not as aesthetically pleasing as the pdf version (a pdf version of this 1977 edition will be uploaded later in 2003). But the html version has the advantage over the pdf format of being smaller, and more easily searchable.

The small print: This a free download, and you are trusted to make only proper and appropriate use of it -- reading it for your own enjoyment or for research purposes. This book is a copyright © document. It is not to be commercially exploited or distributed in ANY WAY without written permission from Parforce UK Ltd.

Hitler's WarThe 1977 edition was updated twice -- in 1991, in the Focal Point edition, and again in the Millennium edition, published in 2001 (

Buy the book too: Taking this free download should not discourage you from buying a copy of the current book edition later, when you can afford it. Go to or send us an email at, or send $50 (US) to us at P O Box 1707, Key West, FL 33041.

Spot errors: You are invited to draw our attention to scanning (or other) errors, which we will correct provided you give us the chapter number, and a string of words, say five or six, containing the error. Email errors to us at

Some dates:

Publishing contract signed 1965
First published April 1977
Scanned by I M of Canada, to whom our gratitude is due, 2002-3.
First uploaded Sunday, September 14, 2003

© Website Focal Point 2003; book Parforce UK Ltd