The International Campaign for Real History

 Focal Point edition

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 Govostis edition

 Ullstein edition

 Italian edition

[1977 edition uploaded Sept 14, 2003]

Prof Gordon Craig

Professor Gordon Craig, doyen of US historians, who died 2006, writes of the "handsome new edition" of Hitler's War : "It is a book I have always admired" (letter to the author, Aug 20, 2002)




David Irving's famous bestseller:

Hitler's War

is here as a Free Download

The whole 975-page book including annotations and index has been uploaded [Feb 2, 2001] in two versions, one fully illustrated

download 2001 edition, pdf (3.6MB)

download 2001 edition, pdf (illustrated, 4MB).

(You require Acrobat Reader -- download it free from this page. Note: Your server may not permit large file-downloads).

David Irving reports:

   (a) In 1975 the Germans published my Hitler und seine Feldherren (see panel left), and in 1977 the British/Americans, published Hitler's War. I discovered the Germans had chopped the first sixteen chapters off the book, the prewar chapters.

   (b) Late in 1977 the Institut für Zeitgeschichte director Prof Dr Martin Broszat published a virulent 37-page attack on David Irving's biography, Hitler's War, in their quarterly journal (pdf, in German); they refused to publish a reply

   (c) In 1978 I published those sixteen chapters in English (and later in German) as The War Path. There has been no revised edition of this yet.

   (d) In 1991 we published a revised edition of Hitler's War. In 2001 we published a new re-revised edition.

   (e) Macmillan Ltd in London told the author they were keeping it permanently in print. After coming under Jewish pressure in 1991, on Jul 6, 1992 Macmillan secretly ordered all warehouse stocks of the book destroyed; the author was not to be told, and there was to be no publicity. Their Papermac edition had sold tens of thousands of copies.


German language edition | Spanish (The War Path only)
Website download edition © Parforce UK Ltd 2001

THIS edition is uploaded onto the FPP website primarily as a tool for students and academics. clipboardIt can be downloaded for reading or study purposes only, and is not to be commercially distributed in any form.

READERS are invited to submit any typographical or other errors they spot to David Irving via email at Informed comments and corrections on historical points are also welcomed.

© Website: Focal Point 1999-2004