The International Campaign for Real History





Why are Mr Irving's books no longer sold in Spanish?

WE often receive bewildered letters from Spanish readers who ask why David Irving's books are not sold in Spanish and Latin American bookstores. They were published until 1990s by the major firm, Editorial Planeta. In October 1991 Mr Irving had a very cordial reception from Planeta when he visited Argentina. But in 1992 the secret Global Vendetta against the historian went into high gear. Coming under attack in Buenos Aires from the DAIA (before their HQ was bombed in 1992), the cowardly Planeta company agreed to stop publishing his books. If you feel they need encouragement, you may wish to write to Don Juan Barcelo García or Rafael Borras Betriu at their Spanish office at

Editorial Planeta S A. 
Córcega, 273-279
08008 Barcelona
(Tel.: 00 343 228 5800)
Or to their Buenos Aires office at
Editorial Planeta Argentina SAIC. 
attention: Dr Ricardo J Sábanes
Calle Independencia 1868 (1100)
1100 Buenos Aires
Tel.: 00 381 8285, 8274, 1244, 9892, 3505, 8512, 0239
(fax: 00 381-383 3793) 


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